Complimentary medicine such as acupuncture, herbs, and nutrition is scientifically proven to enhance fertility. Traditional Chinese Medicine is geared towards strengthening the body, resolving imbalances and generating homeostasis.
For women a three to nine month treatment plan can regulate hormones, alleviate stress and increase chances of natural conception with higher quality eggs and regulated ovulation.
A man's hormonal system, although less complex than a woman's, can still be affected by lifestyle choices such as diet, exercise, drug/alcohol use, illnesses/injuries and environmental stressors. In the journal, Human Reproduction Update (2022), a meta-analysis of 14,233 men globally revealed a 60% decline in sperm counts, with the decline doubling per year since 2000. Concentrations dropped an average of 1.6%/year, totaling 52% over the previous four decades. Medical epidemiologist Hagai Levine stated that they'd hoped for "a leveling off but the opposite may be true and we may cross a tipping point where most men will be sub-fertile."
Male factor infertility accounts for 40-50% of reproductive issues. This can be due to low sperm count, misshapen sperm, immobile sperm, varicoceles or other blockages. It takes approximately 100 days for sperm to mature. During this time, health, lifestyle and diet are crucial for improving sperm quality - this is a perfect time for acupuncture and Chinese Herbs.
The first 3 months of pregnancy are the most critical developmental stage. During this time, it's important to be supported with medical care as well as emotional support.
For women with a history of recurrent miscarriages, we provide both acupuncture and potentially herbal therapy to help you through these first weeks. There are currently limited medical options, but research indicates that a supportive environment and stress relief are helpful.
At Restorative Acupuncture we set our patients up for success, sharing all of our information from over 15 years of experience.
[email protected]
For women a three to nine month treatment plan can regulate hormones, alleviate stress and increase chances of natural conception with higher quality eggs and regulated ovulation.
A man's hormonal system, although less complex than a woman's, can still be affected by lifestyle choices such as diet, exercise, drug/alcohol use, illnesses/injuries and environmental stressors. In the journal, Human Reproduction Update (2022), a meta-analysis of 14,233 men globally revealed a 60% decline in sperm counts, with the decline doubling per year since 2000. Concentrations dropped an average of 1.6%/year, totaling 52% over the previous four decades. Medical epidemiologist Hagai Levine stated that they'd hoped for "a leveling off but the opposite may be true and we may cross a tipping point where most men will be sub-fertile."
Male factor infertility accounts for 40-50% of reproductive issues. This can be due to low sperm count, misshapen sperm, immobile sperm, varicoceles or other blockages. It takes approximately 100 days for sperm to mature. During this time, health, lifestyle and diet are crucial for improving sperm quality - this is a perfect time for acupuncture and Chinese Herbs.
The first 3 months of pregnancy are the most critical developmental stage. During this time, it's important to be supported with medical care as well as emotional support.
For women with a history of recurrent miscarriages, we provide both acupuncture and potentially herbal therapy to help you through these first weeks. There are currently limited medical options, but research indicates that a supportive environment and stress relief are helpful.
At Restorative Acupuncture we set our patients up for success, sharing all of our information from over 15 years of experience.
[email protected]