RESTORATIVE ACUPUNCTURE IN STUDIO CITY/VALLEY VILLAGE provides Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), a comprehensive natural health care system that has been used for over 2000 years in China and other Asian countries to diagnose, treat, and prevent illness. It is a holistic approach that involves looking at the physical, emotional, and spiritual health of the person rather than addressing individual symptoms. TCM functions to promote the body's ability to heal itself.
The unique feature of TCM is that it recognizes that people are individuals with different constitutions living in diverse environments, and treatments are tailored for each person's distinct requirements. It is based on the concept of "qi" (often referred to as "energy" in western culture), a scientifically proven life force that flows through all things. Qi flows along pathways (meridians) in the human body which are related to the organs, muscles and nervous system.
Pain and ill-health result when the flow of qi is disrupted or blocked. This can be due to disease, trauma, medications, stress, environmental and other lifestyle factors. The different modalities used in our clinic include: Acupuncture, Electro-Acupuncture, Herbal Therapy, Cupping, Gua Sha, Plum Blossom, Bleeding, and Moxibustion.
The unique feature of TCM is that it recognizes that people are individuals with different constitutions living in diverse environments, and treatments are tailored for each person's distinct requirements. It is based on the concept of "qi" (often referred to as "energy" in western culture), a scientifically proven life force that flows through all things. Qi flows along pathways (meridians) in the human body which are related to the organs, muscles and nervous system.
Pain and ill-health result when the flow of qi is disrupted or blocked. This can be due to disease, trauma, medications, stress, environmental and other lifestyle factors. The different modalities used in our clinic include: Acupuncture, Electro-Acupuncture, Herbal Therapy, Cupping, Gua Sha, Plum Blossom, Bleeding, and Moxibustion.
Below, Ms. Lata was invited to be on a popular segment of T and Coco (Terrell and Coco Jones), to teach them about acupuncture and Chinese Medicine - all in good fun. - schedule an appointment with Ms. Lata today - [email protected] or call 818-763-2928!
Interested in herbal therapy? If you have questions about how herbs can help with symptoms for viruses/bacteria, or more chronic issues, shoot us an email and we can get you started - [email protected]
Have you ever wondered about the quality of the herbs you're prescribed? Where there coming from, what to look for? How to ask your practitioner the right questions to make sure you're getting the best medicinals with testing not only for heavy metals and pesticides, but HPLC (high performance liquid chromatography), testing for active ingredients and standardization to receive the same strength every time. This lecture delves into everything you need to know about herb quality. An interesting and informative video!
Restorative Acupuncture
Acupuncture in Studio City and Valley Village
TO VERIFY INSURANCE BENEFITS PLEASE EMAIL: [email protected] and include a copy of your insurance card (or medical record & group #, along with your date of birth and if this is through you or your partner, parent, etc.)